Taken by Surprise – Workplace Furniture Solutions in a Pandemic
If you’re like us, the state of our world and the effect it has had on business (and everything else in life) in the past few months caught you and your organization by surprise! Many of us are blessed to experience a certain degree of prosperity in our Central PA region, and it can be so easy to take our health, safety, and community for granted when things are going well.
This is a learning process for all of us, but one thing is for sure, we have a lot more resources on how to handle a crisis situation than we had, before.
Our workplace furniture company certainly can’t provide all of the information and products you need to be able to respond, if another emergency situation happens in the future. But we do have a variety of tips, trends, tools, and products available to help you plan ahead and make that process quicker, more efficient, more cost-effective, and much easier.
The purpose of this blog post is simply to share some links to that information and let you know that we appreciate you and your business and the positive impact you make on our local economy and community. Take a look at the information linked, below, and feel free to contact us via the form at this link or at 717-291-1001.