Cultivate Communtiy, Wellness

How to Create a Lactation Room to Support Moms at Work

Creating an intentional, comfortable, clean, and practical private lactation room for nursing employees can not only help you comply with the law, but also demonstrate to your team that you care about them and their families. Happy employees who know that they are valued and supported often perform better on the job, meaning improved retention […]

BR New Building

You’re Invited to Our Showroom Open House

Drumroll, pleeeeeease… Our Open House will be happening on Wednesday, November 13 at our new showroom, office, and warehouse space at 119 S. Tree Drive in Lancaster (behind That Fish Place, That Pet Place)!   You’re invited to drop in any time between 2 and 7 p.m. to check out some of the latest workplace […]


Portable Chargers – Tips for Choosing the Right Portable Device Chargers for You and Your Organization

How many electronic devices do you carry around with you for work? If you’re like an increasing number of workers, it’s a lot – from multiple cell phones to laptops to tablets and more! Of course, the challenge that comes with our growing reliance on technology to get the job done is that we need […]

BR New Building, Collaboration, Create Art, Culture, Installation, Plants, Wellness

Renovation Update: Check Out Our New Completed Fireplace, Huddle Room, Landscaping, and More!

Things have been shaping up beautifully at our new location at 119 South Tree Drive in Lancaster! There’s always someone working on a new project to help customize our space. Here’s our May renovation update!     Thanks to our beautiful new front entrance window decals by Takeform, visitors to our showroom, office, and warehouse […]

Collaboration, Create Art, Cultivate Communtiy, Culture, Products, Wellness

Working from the Living Room… At the Office | How to Optimize Employee Wellness and Productivity with Lounge Furniture

Want to stifle creativity and collaboration? Stick people in boring boxes with sterile walls and lighting and some uncomfortable desks and chairs in freezing temperatures and then expect them to produce results that will elevate your organization to new levels of success. That should work well, if that’s your goal. Or, if you want to […]